Call of Remembrance - Free your Soul!

Mama Gaia

On my «InitiationsJourney» and ever since then, it was shown, what can be done with the Remembrance Sign to support Mama Gaia’s healing.

In Joy, Devotion and Humbleness i follow this wonderful and archaic strong call. 

Together in groups, we create an incredibly strong field that miraculously potentiates our actions. 

Whatever happens for Mama Gaia, is naturally always also for ourselves.


💜 WaterCall

Please have a look here

Water ~ Source of all life


💜 Feminin & Masculin

In many sacred places around the globe as well as ‚just around the corner‘, feminine and masculine NatureEnergies have been separated by buildings. This, of course, has influence on plants, animals and humans. Our circles support Mama Gaia, along with the Remembrance Sign, to rejuvenate and/or strengthen these energies.    

💜 Lilith & Venus

Both of these powers work in all of us and wish to be integrated, in these times we are living in. A very, very impressive experience was revealed to me during a FullMoonRitual i was spontaneously giving in a very small circle, right near Cathedral Rock in Sedona. We integrated and let it dance. 

💜 anywhere

Wherever the Remembrance Sign  is being placed, it strengthens the energy of the place. If possible, we put it so it comes to lay on a grid point and therefore the powerful RemembranceEnergy can flow stronger and stronger around Planet Gaia. 

💜 Your LOVE

With each of these rituals and workshops as well as with personal SoulFreeingJourney’s, your soul frees further. Your crystalline beauty becomes the nourishment for all there is. 

for Your Being

with Love, Light & Gratitude


White Feather



White Feather

💜 Crystalline HeartSpace

It is a great gift to surrender to our personal «Crystalline HeartSpace», to learn about it and to work with it for ourselves, in our personal as well as for the global environment. 

I regularly offer SoulFreeingCircles (workshops) for this purpose.

You can find current data in the agenda or stay informed via our Telegram Remembrance-News or via our newsletter.

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Wir lassen jegliche Auswertungen und was es sonst noch gäbe weg - jeder ist ein freier Mensch und darf noch freier werden 😍